We fell in love with the City all over again while exploring the 49 Mile route. We hope you will too!
Kristine Poggioli

Co-Author / Writer & Graphics, Kristine “KP” Poggioli (pronounced Po-jo’-lee) is a fundraising copywriter and storyteller with a B.A. in History from U. C. Berkeley. As a native San Franciscan she has given people tours around this city she loves her whole life.
Carolyn Eidson

Co-Author / Photography & Graphics, Carolyn Eidson (pronounced Ed-son) is an award winning filmmaker, comedian and passionate Weight Watcher Leader. As a member of the San Francisco Scooter Girls she leads rides all over the city.
In 2013, Kristine Poggioli and coauthor Carolyn Eidson became the first people known to have walked San Francisco’s historic 49 Mile Scenic Drive—not in one day (sheesh!), over one year. They did it by dividing the route into 17 bite-sized walks. The new walking adventure launched them into a new healthy lifestyle and resulted in a combined 75-pound weight loss. But perhaps more importantly, they had a blast walking the route, discovered new things about San Francisco, and grew closer together through the journey.
They knew they had to share the fun with other people who love San Francisco, so they researched the history along each mile of the Drive and turned their adventure into a turn-by-turn guidebook, cleverly titled: Walking San Francisco’s 49 Mile Scenic Drive.